View filters are used to manipulate a smaller group of instances based on parameters rather than just Categories. These are used in BFT template, for example in the Fire_FireRating view template, to color the different requirements on walls, doors, and windows.

Go to View tab, Filters. View filters are divided into 3 columns.

  1. All the filters in the project
  2. Categories to which the view filter should be applied.
  3. Depending on which categories are selected, all common parameters are shown in the drop-down.

Assign a formula to select the elements desired to manipulate visually, whether it's hiding certain elements or coloring them to easily find those elements.


The example below it's shown how to add a view filter to a FireReq_FireRatingWall value which is not included in the template. It's recommended to add the filter in the engineering model, rather than in the linked file. This will save the view filter for more checks with future deliveries. 

In this scenario, the requirement EI 360 is used between the flats. 

Open the FIre_FireRating view template, and edit the filters.


Because EI 360 doesn't exist in the BFT template, it's necessary to create it from scratch. Go to Add.




Create a new from scratch, name it Wall_360


Select the wall category


Choose the parameter FireReq_FireRatingWall (here it's possible to choose the parameter from the Architect if they have decided which parameter to use if it is loaded into the Engineering model, read here how to load parameters)

Then choose Contains, and enter 360 (the value). This means that the filter will filter out all walls which has 360 in the parameter FireReq_FireRatingWall. Press OK.


Select the newly created view filter


For Walls, change the cut pattern with Solid fill and choose a color. For Doors / Windows, choose Projection Lines / Cut Lines and choose a color. Recommended for Doors and Windows are to make the lines thicker, so change the Line Weight.


This means that during quality assurance, it's possible to check that those walls have a correct value connected to them because they will be colored. They will not be colored until the data is loaded with "Import from link".